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"Real Life" Anatomy and Physiolgy

Week 2 has now come to a close. We learned all about the anatomy and physiology of a woman, specifically how her body changes during pregnancy. I loved learning how our bodies know exactly what to do when it becomes pregnant. God designed us so perfectly! Birth is a normal process and our bodies were created to bring fourth life! We also received our stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs.

Well, I had planned to be in class for all of this, but I missed 3 out of 5 days due to an unexpected event. On Monday afternoon, I was not feeling well. Instead of the eating lunch with my classmates I came home to take a nap thinking I could "sleep" this off. I remember waking up to go the bathroom, then went back to lay down. My stomach was in more pain than it had been. Feeling like I would be able to vomit, I went into the bathroom... I'm not sure how much time had passed, but I was told later on that my roommates had found me passed out on the floor by the bathtub, unresponsive. I did not lose complete consciousness and I thank God, I did not hit my head. My pulse was racing and my blood pressure was high. 911 was called and I ended up going to the ER. Upon arrival at the ER, I remember being asked many questions and the doctor was quite concerned. Some testing was done and it was discovered that I have a heart abnormality. My heart's electrical system is not working properly - the abnormality is called Long QT Syndrome which means that one of the ventricles takes longer to contract than it should and this can cause an arrhythmia (and if not treated could lead to sudden cardiac death). I had also informed at this time that the medication I was taking was known to exacerbate this issue and I would need to discontinue taking it immediately. Even while I was in the hospital, the doctor told me one of the medications I was given to help with the nausea also exacerbated the issue and it was immediately discontinued as well. I was admitted overnight for monitoring/observation. When I was discharged on Tuesday afternoon, I was sent home with a monitor. If I feel something out of the ordinary such as palpitations, dizziness, etc., I push the button to record the episode and when the doctor reads it, it will signal him to pay closer attention to those beats. I'm thankful for modern technology; the monitor is a little bigger than the size of my thumb and no one even knows I'm wearing it (well, my classmates do but if you saw me out in public you wouldn't be able to see it).

I have a follow-up appointment this Friday, February 3 at the Alaska Heart Institute to determine treatment options and next steps. I also found out today that I automatically qualify for Medicaid for the next 30 days until my application is processed. I will updated more on this at a later time.

Although I'm still processing what happened, I am grateful for community! I have only been here in Homer for about 2.5 weeks and already have an extended family (yes, this IS possible ;) ). It has been overwhelming (in a good way) to know I am cared for and truly loved. It is only through the kindness of the Lord that this is so! It was difficult to not have family close by, but one of my friends stayed with me in the ER and another one came the next day and sat with me. I have been covered in prayer and am in the company an unending supply of care and compassion!

I will keep updating as more information is available. I have talked to my mom, dad, sister, brother, family and friends. Thank you to everyone who called, messaged, texted and has been praying for me. It means more than you know! As this week comes to a close and another begins, I certainly have not lost my sense of humor. I do think I should receive some extra credit for this happening during anatomy and physiology week... LOL! Can I get an AMEN?!

Remember to tell your people how much you love them because all we have is what is right in front of us. Hug them a little tighter, too!!

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